Mommy B Starts Blogging

I have been planning on starting a blog for what seemed like ages now but never really got around to doing so. 

In 2012, I was happy my husband took lots of really nice pictures of Osaka, Kyoto, and Nara using his DSLR camera because they would look nice on my "blog". I even saved copies of our itineraries on an excel file because I will "blog" about them later. On a trip to Bali, Indonesia and Singapore in 2013, I took pictures of the tourist spots we visited, a restaurant's exteriors, interiors, and even the menu because "I will blog about it". 

Even when my husband and I experienced a devastating heartbreak back in 2011, when we were living so far away from family in a foreign country, I thought of turning to blogging in hopes that I could empty out my emotions and share my experiences in it. A lot has happened in my life since then but the blog never really happened.

I think my reluctance on making that first step on blogging (actually clicking that "new blog" button and typing those first few words) stems from my secret hope that my first blog post would be an article of substance that would go viral. I imagined my first blog post to be about something really glamorous, say a travel blog on some dreamy vacation place, or a foodie's blog about some affluent dish I'll have no idea how to properly pronounce, or something that's so meaningful it would tug at people's heartstrings being all eloquent and talking about the deeper meaning of life and stuff. Viral indeed. At this point, I would be lucky if I could force family and friends to actually go ahead and read my ramblings (except my husband - I hold him legally responsible to read my blog and be supportive).

So I have these assortment of photos and experiences from the past waiting for me to write them down for years. These were some of my ideas for an awesome first post. 

Osaka's Glico Man at night...

Osaka's famous food street. Dotonbori.

Yasaka Pagoda in Kyoto

Maruyama Park in Kyoto

Kofukuji's pagoda in Nara, Japan

Freely Roaming Shika (deer) in Nara's parks..

Ubud Royal Palace, Bali, Indonesia

Pura Saraswati, Ubud, Bali

The menu at Ibu Oka Warung Babi Guling, Bali, Indonesia

Babi Guling meal at Ibu Oka in Bali

The Merlion at Singapore Marina

The Marina Bay Sands and the Art Science Museum in Singapore

Singapore's famous Chili Crab

Fast forward to 2017, several years and one 3-year old later, after wrestling with the urge to get out of our unit, toddler in tow, and ambush random unsuspecting neighbors on our building's common areas just so I could have conversations with another adult (Daddy A's at work),  I decided to go ahead and just try it out. I guess I have reached that tipping point where I finally admit it doesn't matter what my first blogpost would be, as long as I can empty my thoughts out to someone (anonymously - a plus) who isn't a 3 year old whose only interest is invading your personal space, or whatever space you have for that matter. 

The 3 year old's space.. the whole of my living room (his space actually extends to the bedroom, the kitchen, and the dining area... and oh yeah, occasionally the bathroom too)

My work space... I love how the 3 year old added his personal touch and decorate what little work space I have with Peppa, George, and the whole Jollibee Gang

With this profound inspiration and motivation, I set about clicking that "new blog" button, and start typing my first few words (that is after feeding the 3 year old, turn on his favorite tv show, and bribing him with mountains of his toys so he can turn our whole unit into chaos to keep him interested - works everytime) and I must say making this first post is quite daunting. I have been typing and deleting words for the past few minutes. I thought writing for my own blog would be just a piece of cake. Seems pretty easy when I read other people's blogs. Turns out, composing your thoughts and putting all those together in a cohesive way so they don't come out in a jumble is quite a challenge. 

Guess my "ideas for an awesome first post" will have to wait for their own proper posts in the future. For now patting myself on the back for going ahead and clicking the "publish" button. Hooray for me!!


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Rolls! Would have to do a proper post for those pics in the future :)


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