Super T's Easy Moist Banana Muffin Recipe

Super T's Moist Banana Muffins

I have been "blessed" with a VERY picky eater (see exhibit A for his main food groups these days). Up until roughly a year ago I'm really happy with my toddler's food choices or lack of it rather. I just have to mash everything I eat (tinola, nilaga, chopsuey, even pinakbet minus the ampalaya, you name it) put it in front of him and he will munch on it like a veteran foodie.

I have no  idea what triggered it, perhaps A.) his taste buds have developed some serious loathing for Filipino food, B.) he has finally discovered the freedom of choice, C.) he really just likes torturing his Mommy (I'm leaning on this one), but the number of food he will accept from Mommy without triggering World War III and a series of projectiles (from his mouth) all over the household (i.e the living room carpet, the sofa, the bed, the dining table, mommy's face, mommy's hair, mommy's shirt etc. etc.) has dwindled and can be listed down here without me having to use more than 20 words.

Seriously. I can do it right now. Milk, cerelac, fries, hotdog, cookies, muffins, chuckie, water. 

See what I mean? 

All these food have certain specs. The milk should only be drank from his milk bottles, the water from his water canteen and mugs, chuckie from tetrapak on straw. How he drinks these three cannot be interchanged. That would be unacceptable. The only acceptable Cerelac flavor is Banana Wheat & Milk. Fries should only be Mcdo or Jollibee style, it cannot be KFC style. Cookies should only be chips delight, eggnog, bread stix, and marie (rebisco). Muffins should only be either banana or cheese. Hotdog should be fried. Sigh. You get the idea.

Exhibit A - Super T's "main food groups"

The other day, I have to dig holes on one end of the hotdog slices I prepared for him and put rice inside then feed it to him without him seeing the side where rice is visible and I've successully smuggled several mouthfuls! Woohoo!! Score 1 for Team Mommy!!  

Unfortunately some laggard rice (four grains to be exact) didnt get swallowed with the rest of the hotdog pieces. He promptly (and indignantly) wiped them off his tongue and closed his mouth (probably for eternity) after he shot me his most accusing look. The nerve of those grains getting inside his mouth! They are not worthy of the sanctity of that mouth. Lol. 

That's why Mommy's now trying to get him to let go of his trust issues again by baking banana muffins to his liking. I do not claim to be an expert on baking but a 
Mommy's gotta do what a Mommy's gotta do right? 

So here's my recipe for Super T's Easy Moist Banana Muffins. Hope your kids enjoy it as much as my Super T does. 😊😊😊

Super T's Moist Banana Muffins baking in the oven


3-6 Bananas (mashed)

1 egg
1/2 cup vegetable or palm oil
1 cup sugar 
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 1/2 cup flour
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon baking soda


1. Mix sugar, oil, and egg in a bowl. Add the banana, vanilla extract, and salt and mix using a spatula until ingredients are thoroughly combined. Combine the flour and baking soda, sift them (on days when I'm particularly lazy I forego this procedure and it still turns out fine accdg to Super T's standards lol) and add them to the mixture in 1/2 cup increments using only the spatula until properly combined.

2. Preheat the oven to 175 degree Celcius, put muffin liners on a muffin tray, scoop 1 1/2 spoonfuls of the batter into the muffin liners (should be 1/2 to 3/4 full) then bake for 18-23 minutes. Or test if its done by inserting a toothpick on muffin center, if the toothpick comes out clean the muffins are ready.


  1. Looks good. Do you take orders?

    1. hahahahaha... still have to think that through. thanks for asking though!


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